Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dissociative Identity

Chapter 1

He was talking to me again, his voice blended with those of the people around me. These are the people that talk at me and about me but never to me, the people that can see me and not him. He mocks them all and mocks me. He never shuts up.

I glare at the pale translucent figure of someone I once thought I loved. Whom am I kidding, if that form ever showed up again, solid and real, I would love him all over again, no questions asked.

This boy left me alone. Stranded, in the middle of no where. I feel someone tugging at me and I jerk away looking back, it's only Jake. His mouth was moving but I didn't hear any of the words that were coming from him. My poor cousin, Jake. He had to look after me when I was at school and just to know whom I was alone is a good way to gain the status of social leper. The fact that we were family just doomed him from the start. I wasn't always like this. I used to be normal, until …

"Bella, get off of her! You're going to kill her, get off of her!" his voice penetrated the annoying voice of the ghost-boy and I paused, taking stalk of what was going on around me. There was a girl that I had apparently been sitting on. Her face was bloody and her eyes rolled back. By the blood on my bruised and broken knuckles, I would say that it was probably my fault she got that way.

I let Jake finally pull me away with the help of a few teachers and I glared at the boy whom only I saw. I hated him with just as much passion that I loved him with. "Why do you do this to me?" I screamed, but the fog was clearing from my head, which means he will leave and I will come back to reality where I am talked at and about but not to. There was a circle of kids around me backing up when I got close to them. I smiled because it was a defense, to use the crazy to my advantage. Only then did I realize that my victim must have had a few good hits in because I tasted blood, which probably made me looked pretty well over the disturbed fence.

Not that I wasn't there already.

"Jesus Bella, you really did it this time." Jake was whispering as he lead me away. "I don't think I can talk you out of trouble this time. They might even call Charlie."

I snapped my eyes to his tugging on his arm. "No, please don't let them call Charlie. I will behave. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't even know I was doing it."

"Bella, saying shit like that doesn't help." He said sighing as we made out way to the nurses office. "This is bad Bella. You know Charlie said that if he had to get one more call from the school, they will put you in the home."

I gave up yanking him in the other direction. He wasn't budging. "I will promise. I will tell them it was an accident."

Jake turned and faced me, his hands on my shoulders. "Bella, the girl was just sitting there. She wasn't even facing you. You attacked her for no reason."

I stared back, keeping my gaze steady as I could. "Edward was there. Mocking me, telling me how weak I was."

Jake was already shaking his head sadly. "He is gone. He was a boy that fucked up your head and left you in broken pieces on the forest floor, but he is gone. He is never coming back."

He didn't understand! He is back, everywhere I fucking look! I started to cry but stopped and turned away. Fine, he wouldn't come with me when I left, I would go by myself. I started to walk away only to be stopped again by a security guard that had snuck up right behind me. He had on the crisp white security uniform on that contrasted with his darker skin. He was Indian, probably hating his job. Hating me I could tell by the way he had his arms crossed and was looking down at me with what I am guessing was his most impressive intimidating stare.

A familiar voice whispered in my ear. 'He is in your way. He wants you locked up.'

I narrowed my eyes at the guard with his shiny black name tag that read Gamble. Pfft, right, like that's his real name. "Move out of my way, I am leaving."

"I am told that you are to go to the office, Ms. Swan and to make sure you do." His voice was deep and scratchy.

'Don't let him stop you. It's only him standing between you and freedom.' His voice was getting that taunting edge that drove me mad. How can he be so cocky? He was the one that was making me insane in the first place. 'You're keeping me close, that isn't insane.'

I grabbed my temples and growled at the voice. "Fuck, just leave me alone, I can do this without you!"

I felt a large hand on my shoulder and then nothing…

I was spitting and kicking and scratching anyone in my reach. "Fuck you! Let me go! Fuck you!"

I looked around and I was three blocks away from the school and being cuffed and man handled into the back of a police car. Charlie's police car, if we are being accurate. Which I think is important that we are.

He was standing behind the people that had just successfully got me into the back of the cruiser, right next to security officer Gamble who now had a broken nose and three scratches that were bleeding pretty good down his face.

I watched as Charlie spoke to everyone and they shook their heads, looking at me with pity in their eyes and back at him again. After he told whatever sad story, probably my sad story, to the on lookers, he got into his car and just sat there with his head in his hands.

"You know what I have to do, right?" It was over ten minutes before he spoke and I had to lean forward in my seat since he asked so lightly.

"You're going to lock me up like some fucking animal." I snapped, wishing my hands were free so I could punch the cage that separated us.

Charlie half turned in his seat, looking at me with pleading eyes. I just stared back with my livid ones. "You know I don't want you to go away. I only just got you and only because your mother passed away."

"She died Charlie. If you are going to use it as a cop-out, then you might as well get it right." I growled moving my face close to the cage. "She got plastered on the highway by a semi truck driving to her boy friends house."

Charlie flinched but I wasn't sorry. She was cheating on him and karma got her hit by a car. Sounded like a fair trade-off if you ask me.

"Isabella! Stop this! Is all this really worth some heartbreak over a boy?"

No it wasn't, but I won't tell him that. I just stared at him.

It didn't faze Charlie in the least. He was geared up for a lecture and he was going to give one if it was the last thing he did. "He was a boy Bella. There are a lot of boys in the world—"

'Am I really just some boy? You loved everything about me, you even now love to hate me.' He was right.

"— You need to move past this whole thing and since you cant do this on your own, then I am going to help you." I missed the middle part of that speech, but I assume it was meant to be up lifting and inspirational.

I didn't feel up lifted or inspired. "You're going to lock me away because you're ashamed of me."

"Bella, you don't seriously believe that." He sighed and rubbed his face. "The parents of the girl you attacked are pressing charges unless you get help."

That was it. Charlie told me when I came to live with him that i could basically do as I pleased, as long as it didn't result in him picking me up as a cop (fail on that) or getting put into jail. (Most recent fail. Good job.)

"You are going to the hospital. They are going to do an evaluation and then admit you to the home from there." With that, Charlie started the cruiser and drove.

I laid back across the seat and watched the street lights and clouds go by in the sky. Charlie didn't even stop to go home and get clothes.

(Chapter 2...)

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