Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hot Topics

Hot Topic's of August

- Plagiarism :  This week a goof friend of mine had her story ripped off of Fanfiction.net. It is extremely upsetting to know this is still happening, even with the close community of Fan fiction writers that we are. Please, you don't know how heart breaking it is to know that someone is taking your hard work and passing it off as their own. On the flip side of that, if you see this going on and you know, for absolute sure that the story someone is publishing isn't their own, tell the author right away! Don't harass or haze these people because it's not who we are. Though as much as I would like to rip those individuals a new one, we can only stay together and stay strong by keeping the trust. More likely then not the imposter story will be taken down within the day.

- Back to School : Now i didn't have to deal with particular subject until recently when my son started school this year. Wow what a difference. you go from writing when you can to having all this time in the world to write whatever you want. you know what i found out? I think i work better under pressure. I have all this time and no one bothering me, the house is almost silent and I got nothing. Nothing. I am watching the little cursor blink at me on the blank page. So here are some things that have helped me deal with this sudden deafening silence.
~ Read- Reading will bring you into that magical world we all get into when we are putting ourselves somewhere made up. If you can generate that familiar feeling again then maybe you can slip into much easier. Also if you read out side of your usual genera then it tends to bring new ideas to the surface, which can get you excited about writing again.
~ Talk- Take someone you trust and throw some ideas at them, even if you guys just end up joking around about it, you never know where inspiration will strike. I had the Raise of Life idea when I over heard a conversation that my husband and his brother were having. They were joking about how much we all pay for prisons and people sitting on death row for years and years. You never know what you can twist into a great idea.
~ Get out - Get out of the house, go for a walk, grunt a greeting at a neighbor. Do something other then staring at the wall, the messy desk with a half eaten bag of multigrain cheerios and empty can of Monster(TM). Go out there and sit at the park, walk to the beach, walk a nature trail. Getting in your car to drive to the store to buy more energy drinks just so you can go back home take a sip and pass out anyways, doesn't count.

- Story Videos : Okay I want to thank everyone that sent requests for videos! I will get to you guys and you have to let me know a few things before i can make the video.
- Actor portrayal: who is playing who?
-Story: send the link to your story (or a synopsis if its a trailer for an up coming story) so i know what mood to swing on it.
-Song choice: if you have a specific song you hand in mind, let me know. If not, tell me what kind you were looking for in style, vibe, and gender and I will send you choices to pick from.
-Inserts: If you have anything you want writen in the video, credits or titles, let me know!
Last of all give me time. I need about a week from the time we get all details hashed out to finish the video. i make a rough copy and send it to you and if your happy with it i will clean it up and publish it for you to do what you want with. Also I would like permission to post it with my videos on YouTube, just to showcase my work, if not then I understand and it's yours after I am finished.

Okay that is all scribble bitches. I love you all and have a great day! Any questions or comments don't be shy. leave a comment or email me at: Blacksheepfiction@yahoo.com

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