Sunday, August 11, 2013



This is something I started a long time ago but my thought process has left me and I cannot find my way with this anymore. It is a good builder for a Sci-Fi story and I would like to see what you guys could come up with. I am no longer using this so feel free to alter or just take it and run. I don't care, just send me what you come up with! I love planing a seed of an idea and watching how many different ways people can make it grow! (Send works to :

Raise of Life

Close your eyes for a second and bring up your impression of today’s society. Now if you picture white picket fences or flame throwing hooligans take away the government and now see what it is you see. Most likely the white picket fence people are the ones now seeing flame throwing hooligans.

Twenty years ago, my world was much like yours. With carpooling, police presence, political influence and government elections. Adults went to work, or didn’t, and kids went to school, or didn’t. It wasn’t that complicated. We did what we were told and the government pretty much left us alone. We were happy that way, you know? Live your life, pay your taxes, don’t ask too many questions and be left alone. Simple.

September 11th, 2001 was the turning point in simple. The government stopped ignoring us and started forcing their presence on us more and more. They told us it was for our own good and we believed them for several years. Eventually, they stopped hiding their agenda so well or they stopped caring, I couldn’t tell you which. They started using their terrorist seeking technology on us Americans. They started suggesting things like microchip implants for humans like they do animals and unmanned aircraft rebel eradication.

We started seeing more government long arms like FBI and secret police on the streets and schools stopped all together because rebel groups would strike in the disguise of taking their kids to school. Also testosterone driven teenagers were compelled to join the rebel cause, or government nurse apron, while classes were in session. Innocent students were being killed in extremist displays.

Things did not change over night. It was not like one day all the rebels in the United States stood up in some dramatic proclamation. No from September 11th, 2001 it took ten years for the rebellion to start.

First the towns were over thrown, one by one. Then whole cities fell to the people’s rebellion. State by state was soon claimed and this wasn’t by an angry mob of hillbillies and rifles. The irresponsible ways that the president and his officials were running this country touched the military most off all. Where they were sent off to foreign soil, being told that they were protecting America’s freedoms, and when all this tyranny was taking place back at home, they felt betrayed. As more and more towns fell, the government tried to dispatch the military to settle the people down, but there was almost a unanimous uprising and the government was left helpless.

Intelligent military people took over watch place, keeping close tabs on all the development of the rebellion. They did not let the states fall into poverty and things started to regain order again on the surface. We were free, the true definition of a free country.

Our new world was fair and just, to the point of scariness. No longer would someone dare to rape or murder. Old world punishments were reinstalled and eye for an eye was a very literal term. 

(Okay, take it away...)

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