Friday, August 16, 2013

Random plot idea: Biopocalypse

So I was watching Joe Rogan Questions Everything (c) on Syfy the other day and he mentions the possibility of suicide terrorist but in a way that really had me thinking...  

"Terrorist groups could use "suicide tactics" by dispatching someone infected with a disease into a general population. Joe then asks about "engineered diseases": are there diseases out there that scientists don't even know about yet? Faddis nods yes, then talks of numerous labs just popping up everywhere where "bio-entrepreneurs" are hard at work creating completely new diseases. The problem is: because these pathogens aren't known, there would be a huge death toll before scientists could catch up with a cure."

 ...So think about that for just a second. There are a million plot ideas that can spring up if you are a drama or crime writer. This could even be a juicy bit for the FBI thriller writers. I have thought of several scenarios that this could go. I mean you don't even have to think about the fact that it could be a foreign terrorist, since these 'Do it your self' labs are here in the great USA. I mean it could just take one seriously disturbed and pissed off person to plant one of these attacks. Or better yet think about the people that are supposed to be bioengineering for the greater good of the populations, but they implant a disease in a wide spread, daily use product and that in turn gets distributed to the whole of the population?

There are several diseases (from my research) that the CDC are actually afraid of. One is the Hemorrhagic fevers which are the result of some very scary viruses like Ebola and Hanta, most of which are spread via animal feces and transmitted either through the air or through direct contact.

Once in the body, the viruses attack the cells that line blood vessels, causing internal organs throughout the body, from the intestines to the kidneys to the brain, to ooze blood.


Another which is found in the Americas (super fun) Naegleria fowleri, a not-so-friendly little amoeba, makes its home in warm fresh water in the American Southwest. That's not such a problem, but it occasionally also likes to make its home in people's brains, which is a bit of a problem.

The amoeba usually creeps through your nose while you swim in lakes or hot springs. Once it finds its way up into your brain, it's pretty much over. The seizures start, followed by a coma.

The parasitic amoeba chews through your brain matter, and since you kind of need your brain to live, that means it's curtains for both you and your parasitic, opportunistic amoeba friends.

Okay so just take these few suggestions and see what you can come up with!

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